neemuch mandi bhav | नीमच मंडी भाव | Neemuch Mandi Rate
neemuch mandi bhav | नीमच मंडी भाव | Neemuch Mandi Rate
What is the price of new soybean in Neemuch Mandi ?
What is the price of in Neemuch Mandi?
The minimum price of New Soyabean in Neemuch Mandi is 5300 ₹ and maximum is 6600 ₹.
The minimum price of is 5300 ₹ and maximum 6600 ₹ price in Neemuch Mandi.
What is the price of spleen in Neemuch Mandi ?
What is the price of Sesame Seed (Sesamum indicum) in Neemuch Mandi?
In Neemuch Mandi the minimum price of spleen is 8500 ₹ and maximum is 11900 ₹.
Neemuch Agricultural Produce Market
There was a strong rise in the price of garlic in the market today
Ooty Garlic sold in a heap for ₹ 7101
Garlic sold in a stack of 5051 ₹
Strong boom in wheat Sold up to ₹2520 in the top
Mustard (Raida) sold up to ₹ 6445
Soyabean Up to ₹ 7650 in price
Neemuch Krishi Upaj Mandi is the most effective agricultural produce market among all the agricultural produce markets of Madhya Pradesh. Neemuch Krishi Upaj Mandi is situated in the middle of Neemuch City which is also a district of Madhya Pradesh.